These people from all around this beautiful world all believe in something. I believe that there is a God, his name is Jehovah and Jesus is his son.
There’s a backward idea that god has to be a deity and that’s not entirely correct. It’s anything you worship, anything that you devote your life to. Some will argue that this isn’t the definition of god in the dictionary. However, if you look back through time, there were many gods and not all of them had anything to do with a deity. Even money can be a god, you end up devoting your entire life to it.
In this day and age, it feels as though evolution has become it’s own god. There are those that will fight tooth and nail, even go as far as killing another for this belief. But our universe is too complex in order for evolution to even be considered remotely rational or intellectuality acceptable to me. Everything in creation is designed with purpose. I find it not just hard to be considered comprehensive but something based on fiction. To say that evolution is the development of pure chance is simply outrageous.
It’s obvious that, if this was to be the case, then it would have some sort of intelligent direction behind it. There is a problem and something would have to be purposefully done in order for the necessary changes to happen to obtain the required results. To put it in the most simplistic terms, the universe was created by someone, something of higher intelligence. Even the mathematical equations involves a high level of mathematical skill in order to just understand the very fabric of the nature that makes up our universe.
As far as evolution is concerned, I find it to be strictly a fantasy, a doctored up delusional mind game that science made up to rectify our very experience without the aid of a god.
When it comes right down to it, it becomes nothing more then a matter of choosing to believe that there is a God or not. Those that refuse to believe that there isn’t a god forge forward with their ideals of evolution over god. As long as there isn’t any real proof, these mind numbing theories mean nothing to me. Anyone can make an arguement about their beliefs, trying to say that there’s scientific proof, it’s whole foundation is still based on nothing more then theories. Most evolutiionalist can’t except the very idea that there is an all powerful God.
My argument isn’t just the refection of evolution over creation but also the reasons behind such thinking. Like the question, if there is an all powerful God, why do we have to live like this? If he really loves us, then why do we all needlessly suffer and even die? The only explanation then would mean that there has to be no god otherwise we wouldn’t be going through all this. But I’m not here to keep dragging this on indefinitely, I’ll leave this for another time.
This is a matter of my own personal opinion and nothing more.
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